Learning, living and growing

Marvin Kweyu
2 min readOct 21, 2023


Sometimes, it never happens as we had planned. Sometimes, it goes the exact opposite way. It is definitely not what we want but perhaps that’s what we actually need.

I’ve spent a considerable amount of my career building - a continuous dash for the next big thing. Often times writing onto napkins or ‘keeping in’ to create something incredible the world might need. Studying the lives of great men, reading the books of the wise and practicing

Looking back, its fair to assume that locked in this maze of thought of the greats before us, we can loose ourselves. We forget who we are in aspiring to be who we are not.

I don’t think it comes from perfection but rather from an iteration towards what will make you. That just as nature has its seasons , so shall you. Evolving into who you intend to be. Knowing that it is all in your power and no one else’s.

Does it engage your imagination? Are you excited about the person you will turn out to be?

At the end of the day, the most important question should be to thyself. Who am I?

Who are we? We are what we do. We are what we learn. We are what we do with what we learn.


So I look to the stars and ask for my place in the universe. Yet again, casting myself into the stary night to discover a new. If one shall rule, let its name be curiosity.



Marvin Kweyu

Artistically inclined :scientifically drawn || I am Marvin